The most effective way to deal with a rotator cuff injury is to see a doctor, of course, but the bulk of your recovery time won’t be spent in their office, but rather at home. This provides a big opportunity to speed up the healing process so you can get back to feeling and moving like your old self again. Below, you’ll find a few simple ways to get better faster when dealing with a rotator cuff tear.
Change Your Sleeping Position
Ideally, you should be sleeping at least 7-9 hours each night. This is when your body’s healing abilities go into overdrive, so getting enough rest consistently is essential to the recovery process. One of the big things that can slow this down is sleeping on the injured shoulder. While this might be impossible right after the injury, many patients who are side-sleepers end up on their bad shoulder once they start feeling better, which can place undue pressure on the joint. Try to sleep on your back as much as you can.
Don’t Rush Things
For many patients, their rotator cuff injury stems from their job or an active hobby. Pushing, pulling, or lifting anything that places pressure on the shoulder should be done very carefully throughout the recovery process, and it’s important that a patient doesn’t try to do too much. When it comes to using the shoulder again, going slow is the best approach, as this will prevent re-injuring the rotator cuff.
Quit Tobacco
It’s well documented that smoking and chewing tobacco is bad for your body, and it has also been shown to really hamper the body’s ability to heal. A patient should try to reduce their tobacco use as much as possible while dealing with a rotator cuff tear, as this will facilitate recovery as well as lower the chances of complications like an infection.
Follow Your Doctor’s Orders
This is the least complicated but most difficult tip in some cases. Listening to your doctor may involve wearing a sling or attending physical therapy a few times a week, both of which can greatly change someone’s daily routine. Everyone resists change, but in the scheme of things, following your doctor’s instructions, even if they are uncomfortable in the short term, will pay dividends later by helping your rotator cuff heal in the most efficient and healthy way possible.
After sustaining a rotator cuff injury, following these tips will allow you to take some control of the situation and ensure your pain and immobility goes away as quickly as possible. And, if you ever have any questions about other measures you could be taking at home, your doctor will always be happy to offer advice.
About the Author
Dr. Paul Tortland is double-board certified in sports and regenerative medicine. Over the course of his multi-decade career, he has helped thousands of patients successfully recover from rotator cuff injuries without surgery using methods like PRP, prolotherapy, stem cell therapy, and other regenerative techniques. To learn more about how he could help you feel better as soon as possible, you can schedule a consultation by clicking here.